Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Floods

The Floods: Last weekend I went to my mum's place. It was raining very very hard, it sounded like thunder on the roof and it was very cold but at lest she has a heater and fire. On the last day at mum's it was still raining hard and I am sure we heard thunder as we where eating lunch in this ghostly house of white. The only sound you could hear was the sound of the thunder jumping over our house.  


  1. Mum has no ??? is it heater or fire? I love the personification you have used about the thunder jumping over the house - I can just imagine that from the way you have written it.


Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.