Monday, May 28, 2018


P:  The thing that's going well for me is my writing because I’m getting more into writing, because I used to not like writing but now I am LOVING  it.

M: The thing that I would like to improve on is my maths, I am doing some at home but I don’t seem to be getting things right that I know. I think it is because I am sitting with my friends to much and I am talking to much, so with my maths I am going to try not to sit with my friends.  

I: The thing that is interesting is my writing it is getting more interesting and I feel like I have taken my writing to the next level.


  1. You are certainly doing a lot of writing Ella and you are making a real effort to get those speech marks sorted for your dialogue - keep at it! We need to look at your word use of to and too. Sitting by yourself in maths sounds like a great idea at times.

  2. Funny how you go writing maths writing. Great job Ella


Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.