Wednesday, May 23, 2018

haunted hotel

                                              Chapter 1
As Bridgette and her family pulled into the car park at that Golden hotel, the paint on the outside of the hotel was a goldy brown couler. Bridgette thought that the color wasn't the best color to pick for a hotel, and to top it off there where some spots of white. "Yay we are here!" Bridgette's older sister Ruby said. As Bridgette looked down she saw that Ruby was hugging tight to her netball trophy that she had won a week ago and just below her feet was her hockey trophy that she had won just before they had left. "Ruby why are you hugging your trophies?" Bridgette asked. "Well you never play sport and this is a very high thing Bridgette if you where my age you would understand more" Ruby replied. 

                                          Chapter 2 
 When they walked inside,the color was red, a bloody red as red as blood. Then Bridgette whispered to Ruby "Don't you think the color of the walls are wried?" "Yes it is a very dark red, like, like blood red." Ruby replied. They walked up to the reception, there was something weird about him or was it a her? " Hello what is your room number?" The reception person asked. "Our number is 200." Mr Sky replied. "Here is your key Sir, enjoy your stay here" the reception person said. As they hopped into the lift there was so many floors to go to they were on the very top. "Bridgette when you have picked a room you can take your dog for a walk?" Jackson said. "Yes Dad" Bridgette replied, then Bridgette remembered that her dog loves bones and LOVES the color red! As they walked out of the lift Bridgette could feel there was something watching her but she didn't know what, then she whispered to Ruby, "hay do you feel like something is watching you?" "yes it is very weird I have never been to a hotel that is so weird" Ruby replied. 

                                     Chapter 3 
Bridgette had picked a bed in their room witch was more like a house there was a kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms and a living room and a dinning room. Then she yelled "STEVE! come here boy!" "woof!, woof!" Steve had come running into her room. " Good boy" Bridgette said. As Bridgette shut the door to her room", she felt that weird feeling again but Steve ran to the lift which pulled Bridgette along with him. She brushed the  floor and the button that she had picked was the sun roof, yes there was a sun roof with the hotel and it even had an inside pool! Steve was a very smart dog and his sent was amazing. 

                                     Chapter 4 
"Hello child where are you of too?" a guy holding a plant trying to hind his face." "Hello man why should I tell you." Bridgette replied. "Well arnt you just the sweetest dog I have ever seen."The man said pointing at Steve "WOOF WOOF! urg " Steve said barking. The colors of the walls where black with some spots of red, Steve strated to jump and bark at the wall "SSSHH!" someone said thought he wall "who is there?" Bridgette asked almost jumping out of her skin. Then someone or was it something walked though the wall " wh... who ar... are" Bridgette asked, as scared as an ant about to be killed by a steping foot. "Oh, me? Well I am your werst nightmare." The thing replied "Aaaaaannnnndddd cut!" the drirecter said.  "You did very good Bridgette" Ella said, Ella was Bridgette's best friend. "Well thank you, ghost, you did very well to" Bridgette replied "haha" they both started to laugh. As they both walked out of set talking away, then next thing "BANG!"             This is a story that I am writting here is some off it! 


  1. Oh no!!! You have forgotten all our rules for using quotation (speech) marks! Maybe you could work on this story and republish it once it is fixed up. :)

  2. I agree with Mrs Loft.


Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.