Wednesday, June 27, 2018

google drawings challenge halo kitty

This is my goggle drawing challenge. I did Hello Kitty.
The hard things where getting the bow, eyes and the nose the right size. I got the idea from my books at home, when I was little I was in love with Hello Kitty. The other thing that was hard was that I had one hand to do it with. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Questions for my Grandparents

Questions for my Grandparents
In week ten we have Grandparents day and I hope that my Nan can come because
she has never been to a Grandparents day before here are some Questions for her.
1: What year was your mum born in? I would like to know this because she is my last
 great grandparent on my mums side.
2. Did you have any pets when you were little? I would like to now
because you have two cats and they are nice.
3: How old were you when you meet Pops? I would like to now because
you and pops have been together for a long time.
If my grandma comes I would ask her these Questions.
1: Where did you live when you were little?
2: What was your favourite lolly when you where a kid? I would like to know this
because I know now you don’t eat lollies.
3: Did you have any pets when you were little? I would like to know this because
you have three dogs and two cats.
If my Great Grandma comes I would ask her these Questions.
1: What was it like in world war 2? I would like to know this because she
was born in world war 2 and she grow up in that time.
2: Where did you live when you were growing up? I would like to know this because
I have never been to see where you lived.
3:  What school did you go to? I would like to know this because I
don’t think there where many schools when you were growing up.
4: Did you have any pets when you were growing up? I would like to know this because
I have never seen you have any pets of your own.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Whangamata Beach

                             Whangamata Beach    
This is my favourite outdoor place because the sand on your feet is so soft and the waves when they hit you feel like thousands of knifes stabbing your body.  The sound of kids laughing as they run in and out of the sea is very funny and the sun as it hits you it feels like a rany of hotness. After a long day of beach fun we walk back to the bach and take the dogs for a long walk on the beach, the sounds of the waves as they are crashing to the seafloor sounds like a gunshot.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Floods

The Floods: Last weekend I went to my mum's place. It was raining very very hard, it sounded like thunder on the roof and it was very cold but at lest she has a heater and fire. On the last day at mum's it was still raining hard and I am sure we heard thunder as we where eating lunch in this ghostly house of white. The only sound you could hear was the sound of the thunder jumping over our house.  

Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.