Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Questions for my Grandparents

Questions for my Grandparents
In week ten we have Grandparents day and I hope that my Nan can come because
she has never been to a Grandparents day before here are some Questions for her.
1: What year was your mum born in? I would like to know this because she is my last
 great grandparent on my mums side.
2. Did you have any pets when you were little? I would like to now
because you have two cats and they are nice.
3: How old were you when you meet Pops? I would like to now because
you and pops have been together for a long time.
If my grandma comes I would ask her these Questions.
1: Where did you live when you were little?
2: What was your favourite lolly when you where a kid? I would like to know this
because I know now you don’t eat lollies.
3: Did you have any pets when you were little? I would like to know this because
you have three dogs and two cats.
If my Great Grandma comes I would ask her these Questions.
1: What was it like in world war 2? I would like to know this because she
was born in world war 2 and she grow up in that time.
2: Where did you live when you were growing up? I would like to know this because
I have never been to see where you lived.
3:  What school did you go to? I would like to know this because I
don’t think there where many schools when you were growing up.
4: Did you have any pets when you were growing up? I would like to know this because
I have never seen you have any pets of your own.


  1. Some great questions Ella and I love your little poster with your special messages to your grandparents. Nice one :)

  2. That really makes me think that you love your Grandparents.


Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.