Monday, November 26, 2018

CSI Writing

                 Updates On The Whetu break-in  

A few weeks ago you might have read about the break-in at
Ngatea Primary School in their Whetu space on Sunday 14th October.
The investigators have eliminated some suspects except for two suspects who the police are still questioning. 

From what we have been told the suspect was wearing bright clothing,
was very tall and was wearing shoes on both feet.
The police have sent DNA tests to the lab, then they got the two suspects in for an interrogation.  

A couple of days after the questioning one of the suspects came into the police station and confessed to the
police about stealing the chocolates.
but they said that the window was already broken when she was outside the classroom.
She said that she was getting some Rosemary to put on her pizza,
(the reason why this is important is that in the camera footage she looked like she was hiding).  
As everyone knows chocolates can’t solve everything but the police thought that it might be a good idea
to treat their people in training.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Whetu 101

If I was to give advice to the kids that are coming up to Whteu this is what I would say 

1. it is not a must but try and remember your notes for Marimbas (If the Teachers don't have something else fun to do.) 

2.  Come to school with a growth mindset.  

3.  Come to school ready for learning. 

4. Try to come to school with your computer fully charged. 

5. Ask for help if your not sure on what to do. 

6.  If you see something or heard something that isn't good for school tell a teacher as so as possible.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Code Cracker Joke

                           Code Joke! 

Knock {#$:{  

*(;{$&   +*;{&-'"&- 

:$*(& go 

:$*(&  ::$  *(;{$ ? 

No, :$*(&  ::$  @$$ 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


On Monday it was Athletics. The first thing that my age group did was shotput and I think I did well. The next thing was the 100-meter run I came tied 5th with Poppie. Then we got to have a 10-minute break I spent it talking and playing around with Bridgette. But soon enough that fun time had to end, Bridgette was off going to do her running and I was off going to do my high jump. I managed to get to 85 cm and then I failed! I was very surprised that I made it to 85 cm because I'm not that good at high jump. At high jump just before we were about to jump my tooth came out I am very happy that it came out because it was very annoying. Next was long jump I think I did good, but I didn't get first second or third.   

here is me doing high jump.

This is me doing 100-meter sprints. 

Image result for primary school Athletics quotes
Inspirational Quotes Athletics Inspirational Quotes For Training Athletes Fresh Motivational Quotes

Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.