Wednesday, November 22, 2017

My Emoji

                   My emoji

What emotion is this for : this emotion is for when you are angry at someone or you have forgotten to do something and you're mad with yourself so you’re devil red.
Why did you these colours : I used these colours because I like them all and I just thought that they would go together.

I am so angry with you mum

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Idrive reflection


                     Idrive reflection

The thing that I have enjoyed about Idrive is the way that people work together and you get to work with people that you have never worked with before.

If I could change one thing about Idrive it would be that people stop leaving others out and people stop doing what they want and ask others what they want.   

The thing in Idrive that I have found challenging is that  I have found it hard when you get put in a group with someone who does not want to do it.

If I could add a new area of learning it would be science because I love it and I also love doing science that is why I would add it to Idrive.  

qoutes that you like !

I like this quote because it is cool and funny and it is like when I found it I told my mum and she was laughing away.  

holiday snapshot !


Holiday snapshot

In the holidays I went to my nan’s house and I had so much fun with my cousin Lizzy. The first thing that we did was play on her tablet and I won three games on there the game was called my dolphin show. The next day pop’s was going to docking lambs it is where you cut lambs tails off he was gone for ten days. One of the nights I had a melt done because I missed my mum and dad and get this I missed my BROTHER! But now I do not miss him one bit. Then we went to Owera for a night because my ante dale was coming back from australia and if you are thinking does she life in australia no she doesn’t.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

discovery reflection

   Discovery reflection
I think sharing my discovery went good . I would say we didn’t get many people, we only had two people come and see what we had learned and we had five questions to answer. Maybe I would chance what I made and what information we got and maybe not add a person half way though the time making it. I was nervous sharing because I might get something wrong or say something wrong, I am most proud of that I did not make a mistake and that I had ava who could help if I was not sure what to do .

Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.