Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Suspect Profile

Our suspects
Maybe Mrs loft
Cleaning lady

What evidence connects the suspect to the crime?
Coffee cup - they might or might not drink coffee.
Jar Lid
Chocolate wrappers
Shoe print
Mr.s ID - he dropped his when he went to check the computers.      
glass Door

what motive would they have to commit the crime?:
To steal the Whetu favorites chocolate bars.

  1. What time do you drink coffee?
  2. What type of chocolate is your favorite?
  3. what type of shoes do you have?
  4. What shoe size are you?
  5. Do you wear Nike shoes?
  6. How can you prove you didn’t do it?
  7. How tall are you?
  8. What kind of hot drink do you like?
  9. What brand of shoes do you have?
  10. What would you drink more of coffe or tea?


  1. Hmmmm you guys have some good questions here but you haven't got a suspect profile. Make sure that your group have all read the task before you start. If you guys aren't sure what you need to do, make sure you ask another group or a teacher.


Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.