Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Remembering 9/11: seventeen years later

               BREAKING NEWS!

Do you know what happened on September 11 2001? well I can tell you what happened in a minute. As you might know we aren't allowed to bring water or any kind of liquid onto an airplane now. But in the 2001 you were allowed any kind of liquid on the planes and they were allowed to bring bats and weapons on the planes. HOW CRAZY IS THAT!?. But now they now longer let us which I think is a very good thing. I can bet you there where some people on the plane who where getting knocked out because of the people with bats hitting them on the head. oh what happened on September 11 2001 you ask? well it is the fulling of the twin tower of course! I will tell you how the twin tower fell. It was a normally Tuesday morning for the West Coast and the East Coast. things were not as good on the air lines on the filghts 77 and 11. Becuase among the passengers there where 19 terrorists abored ready to atack the twin tower. They had a piloit that had a plane to crash them into the twin tower and here is a photo of what it would have looked like!

This was a very sad time becuase alot of people died. The most people that died would have been the ones who the plane crashed into. 


  1. Great choice of topic this week, Ella, even though this event happened 17 years ago it still has a great importance now especially on the anniversary of this tragic event. Just be careful that you include facts in your writing when you are talking about a real event - some of your writing was your own personal opinion or assumptions. Were lots of people really knocked out on planes from getting hit in the head???

  2. Your missing a couple of capitals. But the rest is good


Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.