Sunday, August 12, 2018

Winter sports!

                         Winter sports! 

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And in today's paper I will be telling you about my winter sports! I used to play three winter sports but then I had to give up one to make it work.The three sports I played are, Rugby, Hockey and Netball, The sport I gave up was rugby, I soon found out that rugby and hockey clashed so I gave rugby up. Netball has been good, my team is got some of the same people as last year but that is ok because we know how Tarsh works. The People who are in my team are, Poppie, Celena, Ella V, Tayler, Elise, Reegan, Sammie,Jasmine and me. We have lost alot of games but we have won some too. In Hockey my team is Sammie, Josh, Liarah, Riley, Quinn (this Quinn doesn't go to this school), Cerys, Reuben and me. This season we have done good, last weekend I scored my first goal in hockey and that was what made me happy!. And that was all for today Folks hope you enjoyed your time reading this and we will be back next week with another story for you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well done really good

  3. Wow it sounds like you have been really busy, Ella! Two sports is lots of work not to mention three! I like the way you have chosen to write your blog post this week, it really grabs the reader.


Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.