Wednesday, February 28, 2018

letter to teachers

Hi my name is Ella. Me and my family live on a farm and I love showing cows and in the winter. I play netball and help my mum and dad on the farm at 3.00 in the morning before coming back home and getting ready for school. I have never gone to a town school before so it is all new for me but I have so many great caring friends. Because I live on a farm we have moved quit a lot I have moved every two or three years of my live. 

yours sincerely Ella.

All about me bags !

last week we had to bring in four things in a bag that was given to us and here are the things that I put in and why.

1.   A photo a sudoku page that I did. why I put it in ? I put it in because I would do it on my pops  lap when he came to my house or I went to his.

2. A photo of one my cows. why did I put it in ? I put it in because I want to continue the stunt name that my nan and pops crated .

3. A champion young handler ribbon why did I put that in ? I put it in because I won with pops cow.

4. A 6th place ribbon that pops cow won at dariy event.

I wouldn't like to put even thing else in my bag.

here is a photo.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

My Quote

I made this quote because it is so me and when I'm stuck on something I think what would Sasha banks do if she was in this problem. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

knowledge seekers new Logo

This is the Knowledge Seekers new logo. I picked the blue background because books are red or brown and I thought that it would add some color to my logo. I put books in because where the knowledge seekers we get knowledge from books.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Te Aroha Jersey Club Show

                              Te Aroha Jersey Club show

Yesterday I went to the Te Aroha Jersey Club Show.
The cows we took are called
  1. Add Mirah ( pops cow that he gave to me )
  2. Hearty
  3. Sue
  4. Golde
I can’t think of the other two that went.

Ella's Whetu 2018 Review

This week I have been working on the Whetu review. I have done Curiosity, Connecting and Being me.